what is number 6 in numerology

What is number 6 in numerology

What is number 6 in numerology

Venus is the ruling planet of people born on day 6, 15, or 24 of any month, or of
those whose destiny number or name number totals 6. The Venus qualities
described below are most clearly visible in people whose psychic number is 6.
Venus, commonly known as the morning star, is the most radiant planet in the
eastern sky before sunrise. It can be seen with the naked eye twice—before
sunrise and after sunset. According to astrology, Venus is considered a benefic
planet with a feminine, watery nature. In mythology, Venus has two different
images. One is of a fair-complexioned youth who is an embodiment of love and
sensuality. He has curly hair, attractive eyes, and a radiant body. He is an
outgoing hedonist and gentle by nature. The other image is that of a teacher
(acharya) of the antigods (asuras) in which he has white matted hair and a big
Known by the name Shukra (which in Sanskrit literally means semen), Venus
is the presiding deity of semen, of the sensuous side of human nature. Venus
governs the refined attributes, romance, beauty, passion, sexual pleasure, and
fine arts, like music, poetry, dance. It also governs the eyes, throat, chin, kidney,
and the reproductive system.
Venus is rajastic (active) and gives its natives an active, artistic, sensuous,
and passionate nature. It makes them beautiful and bestows upon them
proportionate and attractive bodies (especially the upper torso and upper arms)
and lotus-like eyes. Venus-dominated natives are fair complexioned, and they
usually have a happy, graceful personality. They are lively, emotional, sensitive,
playful, loving, courteous, frivolous, and polite. They are creative, inventive, and
are interested in medicine, alchemy, Tantra, hypnotism, mesmerism, and the fine
Venus governs the adolescent stage of life. Its influence on women is slightly
different than on men.
Venus is a friend of Mercury and Saturn. Jupiter and Mars are neutral in their
friendship with Venus (although Venus regards Jupiter as an opponent). The Sun
and Moon are enemies to Venus.
Number 6 is regarded as the most fortunate of all numbers from 1 to 9. Those
6s born on the twenty-fourth of any month are the most fortunate.

Psychic Number 6

Six is the psychic number of those born on day 6, 15, or 24 of any month. These
natives are magnetic, youthful, gentle, soft-spoken, luxury-loving, artistic, and
possessors of refined taste. They attract members of the opposite sex easily and
are usually loved and respected by them.
They spend freely, are social, and have opportunities to meet beautiful people.
They love travel and of ten journey to foreign lands. They are always busy.
They are overly conscious about their physical appearance and try to dress so
as to always be presentable.
They dislike ugliness, dirtiness, mismanagement, and disorder. They like to
keep their dwelling places clean and orderly. They love to decorate their homes,
rooms, offices, or places of work.
They love their life partner, or person with whom they live, under all
circumstances and try to please them. Their married life is ordinary, but orderly.
They do not like to be in a disturbed environment and do not initiate
arguments. If someone starts to battle with them, they run from the field and are
always ready for a compromise.
Psychic number 6 people are clever and tactful and are able to learn about the
deeply guarded secrets of others without deliberate effort. They think before they
act, which gives them a slow tempo. But they like their habit of being slow and
they believe that “slow and steady wins the race.” They are usually upset when
they are expected to move quickly and spoil a task by making mistakes. They
want to remain peaceful and do not like any interference once they have started
their work. They also do not like anyone to act against their will. Yet they are
not commanding or demanding; they can keep their feelings inside and hide their
anger under attractive smiles.
They are secretive by nature and can keep the secrets of others, never
revealing them to anyone else.
They are universal friends and make good family members. They are
considerate and kind to their families and understand the joys and sorrows of
their kith and kin. They maintain relationships with their parents, even after they
leave the home. They are easily touched by the sorrow of their parents and try
their best to help them. They trust their friends and family members.
Because of their refined taste, sweet manners, and considerate and gentle
nature, they are popular in their circle of friends and become everybody’s
favorite. They are extravagant.
They are lucky enough to get all the luxuries and facilities of modern living—
such as a house with a garden, vehicles—before the age of forty-five.
They love company and cannot live alone for long. There is a big difference
between number 6 men and number 6 women.

Psychic Number 6 Men

Psychic number 6 men are youthful, attractive, and magnetic; they are expert in
the art of lovemaking. They are skilled in influencing the psyches of women to
attract and seduce them. All their lives, they search for beautiful and attractive
women and like to remain in their company. They have many relationships and
do not remain bound to the women they marry. They are hedonistic and
materialistic in their attitudes. They are against discipline and are incapable of
maintaining any kind of spiritual practice; sometimes they can be religious, but
mostly they are not so. They are susceptible to venereal and seminal diseases.

Psychic Number 6 Women

Psychic number 6 women are physically beautiful, symmetrical, and have
refined tastes. Their love is a kind of motherly love. During adolescence, they
are mischievous, playful, and sensual. At that time they are easily drawn toward
sexuality and enjoy sexual games; after twenty-five they tire of these fruitless
games. Withdrawing from sexual adventures, they become more interested in
their careers and learning how to live happier and more contented lives. They are
usually slow and very temperamental. They are fond of dresses and jewelry.
They design their gowns and live comfortably. They are easily attracted to
learned, artistic, and spiritually inclined people. They serve their family
members and parents and love justice and truth. They are dependable and do not
run from their responsibilities. They seduce holy men.
Psychic number 6 men and women have few friends, and they live alone many
times in their lives. They love their homes.
They are uncommitted; they love freedom, simplicity, and serenity and are not
They are unsteady and cannot concentrate on any one subject for a long period
of time.
They are very lucky and get help and guidance throughout their life from
unknown sources, foreigners, and people in authority.
Precautions for Psychic Number 6 People
Number 6 people should avoid laziness. They should not become easily agitated.
If they use the Ayurvedic preparations mukta pishti (pearl powder) or prawal
pishti (coral powder) with a teaspoon of cream or honey before retiring, they
overcome their nervousness. They should learn to judge people thoroughly
before trusting them. Women especially should learn to judge others before
entering into physical or financial relationships.
They should avoid arguments and not expend their energies explaining their
behavior or ideas.
They are at their best when they work slowly; they should avoid rushing
because it makes them spoil the project.
They should avoid getting emotional and giving undue importance to
members of the opposite sex.
They should avoid hard physical labor, because their constitutions are not
suited to such jobs.
They should forgive people who wrong them and not waste their energy
entertaining thoughts of revenge. Bearing grudges and brooding over unpleasant
events of the past harms their nervous systems.
They should avoid the use of intoxicants, because they are susceptible to
They should avoid intimate relationships outside of their marriages.
They should avoid sweet dishes, oils and fats, and spicy foods.
They should practice pranayama (breath control techniques, prescribed and
taught in Hatha Yoga), take regular morning walks, and massage their bodies
three to four times a week.
They should arrange their lives, organize their schedules, and not spend too
much time doing watersports in places of amusement.
They should save money for their hard times.

Destiny Number 6

As stated earlier, 6 is not a good destiny number. This is true for women
especially. Destiny 6 creates many sexual problems, for which individuals are
not really responsible. It makes them enter into unwanted sexual relationships.
When 6 is a psychic number, the natural inclination toward the opposite sex is in
the psyche and can be accepted. But when such things happen by chance, almost
without personal involvement, the physical relationship seems to be forced, as if
by destiny.
Destiny number 6s get all comforts and luxuries by means of luck. They have
all they want, but they cannot find suitable life partners if they do not marry in
their early years.
They take care of their friends and relations without a second thought and
have to work hard all their life doing so.
They become very independent, yet remain social.
They are good conversationalists and good storytellers. They travel a lot and
enjoy their lives; they love good, tasty food.
Destiny 6 people are more sentimental than logical and have a tendency to
brood over their past.
They do not accept bondage and are uncommitted; they break laws and do not
follow traditional religions. They get interested in secret sciences, such as
alchemy, Tantra (especially the left-handed Tantra), witchcraft, and black magic.
They are dependable, peace-loving, romantic, methodical in their work, and
can serve as good diplomats. They protect the interests of their own class.
Money slips from their hands. They are generous and spend lavishly to
entertain their relatives and friends.
They become fond of collecting beautiful dresses, perfumes, cosmetics,
jewelry, and precious stones.
They remain attractive, charming, and youthful until their old age. Women
especially retain their glamour for a long time.
They suffer from overwork and overindulgence in sexual pleasure; they are
prone to venereal diseases.

Name Number 6

As a name number, 6 is most suitable for poets, artists, musicians, and dancers.
It imparts a friendly quality, which makes 6s easily acceptable and popular.
This name number is also good for those interested in the occult sciences; they
can gain magical powers.
Name number 6 makes people cooperative, kind, sympathetic, hospitable,
charitable, emotional, and unstable. It makes them sociable and lovers of idle
gossip. They are easily attracted by internal and external beauty, both in human
form and in nature.

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