The Significance of the Number 4 in Numerology

The Significance of the Number 4 in Numerology

The Significance of the Number 4 in Numerology

Rahu is the ruling planet of people born on day 4, 13, 22, or 31 of any month, or
whose destiny or name number adds up to 4. The qualities of Rahu described
below are most clearly visible in people who have 4 as a psychic number.
Rahu and Ketu, the two nodes of the Moon, reflect the basic bipolar nature of
man. They do not exist as material entities like the other seven planets. They
each represent a point where the plane of the Moon’s orbit around our planet
intersects with the plane of the ecliptic of the zodiac constellations. These nodes
are important to astrologers, astronomers, and numerologists because they
belong to the Moon, whose influence on human emotions is universally
accepted. It is only at the nodes that the path of the Moon intersects the path of
other planets. These nodal points are not fixed points in outerspace, but are more
“backwards” that is, they are always retrograde and never direct. Because in
ancient times, with the help of these nodes, exact dates of the solar and lunar
eclipse could be determined by astrologers and astronomers, the nodes became
very significant and were each given the status of “half-planet.” Also, as they are
not real entities, their influence varies with their location in every native’s chart.
Since their influence creates a wide range of emotional behavior, knowledge of
them becomes necessary.
Rahu, the north node of Moon, is an active and disruptive force which works
mainly on the mental level. It is supposed to be a malefic planet—dynamic in
nature, low in vibration, hedonistic, and eternally dissatisfied. It makes its
natives lazy and lethargic, dull, illogical, and pleasure-seeking. They become
revolutionaries, conspirators, spies, and detectives. Rahu brings to its natives
confusion, ignorance, phobias, enmity, and big plans that need a long time to
accomplish. It makes them work hard and perform bad karmas.
The favorable aspect of Rahu gives talents for painting, writing, and editing. It
brings fame and success, physical attractiveness and beauty. It also makes its
natives intelligent, bold, and secretive. If they are interested in politics, Rahu
makes them successful, but often they occupy seats in the opposition. Rahu gives
its natives an angle of vision through which they also see the unseen side of all
truth in existence. When Rahu is conjunct with Jupiter or Venus, it gives its
natives access to secret sciences, Tantra, etc.
Rahu is tamasic (inert) in nature and influences physical strength, bones, fat,
tissues, and the skin.
Rahu makes its natives travel to foreign lands. It also rules over sailors.
The unfavorable aspect of Rahu destroys one’s power of discrimination and
one’s sensitivity. It makes its natives egotistic, selfish, pessimistic, dull,
aggressive, and causes them to suffer imprisonment or go underground. It bring
difficulties, opposition, and humiliation, and gives sufferings, which cannot be
diagnosed or cured. It also gives its natives suicidal tendencies.
Rahu rules the zodiac sign Virgo, which is also ruled by Mercury. It is exalted
in Taurus (according to some, in Gemini); Scorpio (according to some,
Sagittarius) is its sign of fall. Friendly zodiac signs of Rahu are Gemini, Virgo,
Sagittarius, and Pisces; enemy signs are Cancer and Leo. It brings better results
in Taurus and Libra. The houses good for Rahu are three, six, eight, nine, ten,
and eleven. Dark or smoky blue is its color, and the wind is its element.
Astrologers compare Rahu with smoke, which has no definite nature or shape
of its own but when present can obscure every other thing. People under its
influence get easily irritated, use obscene language, lose control over their
nerves, and become disruptive.
Apart from all of its good and bad points, Rahu is a great energy force that
gives its natives a distinctive character. It also gives them a unique perspective
of the world, which is very healthy for the growth of human consciousness at
large. Rahu gives courage, patience, and intelligence, which number 4 people
use to help the downtrodden to raise their voices against the privileged few.

Psychic Number 4

Four is the psychic number of those born on day 4, 13, 22, or 31 of any month. Of
these, number 4s born on the thirty-first are the most fortunate.
The number 4 is ruled by Rahu, which is always changing—never fixed,
always retrograde, never direct. The influence of Rahu introduces sudden
changes into the lives of psychic number 4 people; they have to constantly face
ups-and-downs. Because they undergo those changes so suddenly, they develop
a doubting nature and cannot trust easily. Because of their uncertainty, they have
to consult and act on the advice of others throughout their lives. This also
happens because Rahu weakens the power to discriminate between right and
wrong and the power of right judgment, which gives one a decisive nature.
Their doubting nature makes psychic number 4s stubborn and obstinate.
Because Rahu gives them boldness, courage, and patience, they can undergo
pain and suffering without anxiety. They take sudden changes, ups-and-downs,
and sufferings easily without getting impatient. They face their opposition
Whether in an ordinary discussion or a serious debate, they always support the
underdog. If they are able to work in government, they do not sit with the ruling
party but prefer to sit on the opposition benches.
Extremists, they are either on the top or bottom—they do not like to be
mediocre or belong to the middle class.
They have to struggle for their growth and development and have to face
obstacles constantly in any job they do, whether small or great.
They have to face criticism and opposition throughout their lifetime.
Because their viewpoint always differs from that of other people, and they
favor the underdog in conversations, they create problems for themselves and
also generate secret enemies. Their intentions, however, are fair and, by nature,
they are not quarrelsome.
They are reliable, patient friends, who can adjust themselves to all conditions.
However, because they have a quickly changing nature—sometimes they are
sweet and gentle, and sometimes rough and rustic—they often annoy their kith
and kin. If their friends can understand them and forego their temperamental
behavior, they find them to be very helpful, large hearted, practical people,
having brilliant ideas. They are systematic and efficient, especially in the
handling of big ventures and plans.
They are helpful to society and, by their unconventional and free-thinking
manner, they are able to introduce great reforms into society that benefit the poor
and the aggrieved.
They are interested in reforms of all kinds—environmental, social, communal,
and domestic. This interest can lead them into politics or to spiritual
organizations, where they can introduce reforms and become leaders of their
own orders.
They are rebellious by nature and instinctively rebel against rules and
regulations. They do not feel hesitation in breaking the law. Whenever they rebel
against constitutional authorities, they become popular and famous. However,
they are seldom successful in the worldly or material field, even though they
have a pragmatic approach.
They love conspiracy and sometimes live with conspirators during their youth.
Because of their tendency to differ with existing norms, they join up with
anarchists, terrorists, or lawbreakers. However, they also fear that people will
misunderstand them and will take them to be conspirators. This makes them feel
lonely and deserted.
They are not attached to the concept of accumulating wealth. Whenever they
get money, they spend it lavishly. Their way of living luxuriously and spending
freely gives people the impression that they are rich. Their large heartedness
makes them give money to the needy and poor, which makes their friends and
relatives think that they are very rich when, in fact, they are not.
They are very good critics of art. They love to visit art exhibitions, attend
concerts or theaters, or see exhibits of ancient relics. They enjoy evaluating these
events critically but their thoughts are not very clear.
They have no clear picture of life in their mind, and so they remain—along
with others who live with or are associated with them—in darkness. This creates
problems in their family life and friendships. This habit of not having a clear
picture of life is the result of having events and obstacles come into their paths
suddenly, so they are not able to achieve what they want.
They love to create balance and order in their life and want things done in a
systematic way. If they are supported by harmonious numbers, they can make
progress by leaps and bounds, acquire riches, and become famous. This is
because they are practical planners, hard workers, strong willed, and are not
afraid of facing opposition and challenges.
Their friendship is lifelong although they have very few real friends in their
life. They always feel that they have been misunderstood by people.
They are self-made people and extremely secretive by nature. They do not
disclose their secrets, even to those near and dear to them. This gives them heart
problems, but they like to feel lonely and bear all their suffering alone.
They are extremely selfish and can go to any extreme to fulfill their selfish
motives, even if it means harming somebody.
They make false promises and create critics, opponents, and enemies
throughout the course of their life.
They are good conversationalists and are very polite and gentle in dealing
with members of opposite sex. They are very sensual and, if male, have an
excellent sex drive. They have many love affairs and are always unsuccessful in
matters of love. The devil of sudden change upsets their marriage plans.
Although the doubt and uncertainty of their character plays an important role in
this, it is the element of sudden change that leads them to catastrophe.
A psychic number 4 woman is deeply affectionate in her dealings with her
husband, friends of her husband, and other male members of the family. She is
romantic and gentle by nature. She acts responsibly and takes care of her
husband and his friends, her parents, and her inlaws. She is painstaking, prudent,
flexible, and reserved by nature. She likes to lead an independent life and does
not like to be dictated to by others. She is advised not to have prolonged
relationships of any kind with psychic number 4s, 8s, or 9s. Psychic number 1, 3,
5, and 6 people are more suitable, sympathetic and harmonious.
Apart from all the opposition and criticism they receive and their failures and
sufferings, psychic number 4 people achieve rewards and recognition in the
latter part of their lives. They also benefit from the inheritance of property.

Precautions for Psychic Number 4s

  • They should develop an uncritical nature and be more trusting. If possible, they should remember the famous saying of Buddha: “Doubt everything— and then doubt the doubt.” They should not take their doubts for granted and let good opportunities slip from their hands.
  • They should keep cool. Drinking water from a silver goblet and eating food from a silver plate helps to reduce their anger, which is their greatest enemy.
  • They should learn to appreciate others.
  • They should reduce their selfishness and perform selfless service.
  • They should avoid spending money unnecessarily and save for their old age and time of need.
  • They should cultivate the habit of deciding things quickly and independently.
  • They should restrain from censuring others.
  • They should neither give others false hope nor make false promises. They should become straightforward and learn to say no when they cannot do something for others, instead of saying yes and then not acting.
  • They should not trust blindly.
  • They should speak less and in more melodious tones.
  • They should avoid loneliness and isolation.
  • They should avoid traveling without a purpose.
  • They should meditate and do exercises to still their mind, otherwise they suffer from weakness of memory in old age.
  • Number 4s can sometimes have a Kundalini experience. They should not be disturbed if this should happen, and they should not seek medical advice. If left undisturbed, they will regain their normal state of consciousness without any problems.
  • Those number 4 people whose destiny number is 9 should avoid working with machines.

Note About People Born on Day 13 or 22 of any Month

Number 13

Number 4 people born on the thirteenth day of any month should keep in mind
that they are a combination of 1, which is ruled by the Sun, and 3, which is ruled
by Jupiter. In 13, the Sun afflicts Jupiter, which creates an easily irritable nature.
But it also gives the qualities found in number 1 people (since 13 is a member of
the series of 10, which is influenced by 1). The Sun’s affliction with Jupiter
makes things happen fast. If these people find supporting friends, they can leave
their sadness, pessimism, and irritability behind, so as to make their mark in life.
They should take the powder of hessonite (gomed pishthi) frequently, with
cream or honey. They should also eat and drink from silver utensils.
Usually in the West, 13 is regarded as an ominous and unlucky number.
Although the root of this belief can be traced to an early European myth, it was
not until much later, after the seventeenth century, that this number became
considered unlucky.
In China also, 13 was regarded as a number of difficulties. In the ancient
religion of Mexico, however, it was a most auspicious number—it symbolized
the Sun, the positive, male energy.
In the Cabala, 13 is not regarded as unlucky. In the second book of Moses,
one can read of the 13 attributes of God (Exodus 34:6-7). Thirteen is not an
unlucky number in India, but because of British influence some people speak of
13 as an ominous number.
In numerology, 13 is not an unlucky or ominous number. It is a number of
practical, alert, and dependable people. Those born on this date are people who
can easily go to the depth of matters; they can be very successful in scientific
research or occult sciences like Tantra. Their interests in religion and philosophy
can bring them great successes and siddhis (powers that are thought to be

Number 22

Psychic number 4s born on day 22 of any month are more strongly influenced by
the number 2, yet they carry all the qualities of number 4. They become very
obstinate and are regarded as difficult people by their friends and relatives.
People with this number have to suffer separation from their families and
sometimes, in the case of men, a remarriage.
Number 22 is believed to be a mystical number in some circles. Number 22
people are specialists. They execute their jobs efficiently. They are practical and
systematic. They have to struggle hard, because they do not get much support
from their colleagues, partners, relatives, and family members. People with this
number become very successful in politics. In a business, they can only excel
when their partners are supportive. They should learn techniques to relax their
mind and use the powder of hessonite (gomed pishthi) to pacify the effect of
Rahu. With the exception of marital problems, they are able to overcome their
difficulties and obstacles and achieve success.

Destiny Number 4

Number 4 is not very good as a destiny number. When people have 4 as a
psychic number, it is possible for them to train themselves to compromise with
the hardships brought on by the sudden changes in their lives. But when people
have 4 as a destiny number, these sudden changes come and destroy the
masterplan of their lives—life becomes exhausting and disgusting. Even if they
have all the comforts and luxuries of life, they always feel that something is
They often get chances to move ahead, but their doubting nature makes them
suspicious and they miss out on these chances.
They are burdened by heavy responsibilities and duties and have no choice
other than to carry them out. They have enough stamina and strength, but their
labor is not rewarded. Not only do they not get proper appreciation for their
work, but they have to face opposition and criticism. This makes them
suspicious and overly cautious; it forces them to isolate themselves and feel sad
and lonely.
Rahu gives them dissatisfaction. Destiny number 4 people never feel satisfied
with their jobs and always try to find better ones. Thus they change their
profession very frequently and become like rolling stones.
Because of the influence of Rahu, they are always disturbed by secret and
unseen enemies. These enemies are drawn to them because of their
unconventional nature, positive views, critical yet unclear minds, and because
they do not follow the existing customs or norms.
Because of the backward movement of Rahu, they become restless and
impatient. They cannot bear delays in their work, but their work always has
delays. (Rahu, like Saturn, creates obstacles and delays.) They also have delays
in their good luck.
Their family life is not good. Their selfish, doubting, and secretive nature
destroys it. They cannot decide things quickly.
In old age, their memory gets weak.
If destiny number 4 people are born on a Saturday and their psychic numbers
are 4 or 8, all of the characteristics just listed become more prominent.
They have multiple sources for earning money, but it is easily spent. If they do
not consciously watch out for extravagance, they have to work hard in their old
age to make ends meet.

Name Number 4

Although psychic or destiny number 1 people and psychic number 3 people can
have 4 as their name number, generally number 4 is not a good name number.
Numbers 1 and 3 are optimistic, idealistic, and devoted to human welfare.
Number 4 makes them cautious and suspicious. It does not create a wide circle
of trustworthy friends. In matters of business, it also does not bring much
success. If possible, natives having number 4 as a name number should change it
to a number that is harmonious with their psychic number—such as 1, 3, or 6.
This will help them have better relationships with their colleagues and protect
them from their secret enemies.

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